Monday, July 21, 2014

Improving DSpace Presentation: Video Player and Document Viewer / BookReader

One of the fun goals for DSpace that we have at Longsight, is to make using DSpace a great experience. We've got some more ground to cover, but today we have a BookReader and a Video Player to demonstrate.

The BookReader for DSpace uses the Internet Archive BookReader player to present scanned pages of a book in a format that looks like a book. Put the image of the left page on the left side, and the right page on the right side, and when you turn the page, they change both pages. Simple idea, and when executed properly, it makes the content look much nicer.

An example of this BookReader can be found at:

The Video Player for DSpace uses flash, and plays the video right in your browser. It is not a true streaming solution, but rather, makes use of progressive download, so you can play what has been downloaded, but you won't be able to skip ahead in the video beyond what has been downloaded.

You can view an example of the video player at:

Longsight provides Hosting, Support, and custom development solutions for DSpace, the Digital Repository / Digital Asset Management system for libraries and institutions.


  1. It's great. Can you share the code for me?
    Thank you very much

  2. Hi, excellent!

    Is there a way to get the code?, or do i hace to ask for a quotation?, either way, please let me know, my email is:


    Best Regards

  3. Thats what i need!
    Is there a way to get the code?, or do i hace to ask for a quotation?, please let me know, my email is
    Best regards!

  4. Our code is open source, see it at:

    I've been baking lots of goodies into our mirage2 theme:

    If you run our code, you'll want to have dspace.cfg
    xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis = gallery
    (We created that new option gallery in our code)

    And then:

    We are continuing to develop our theme, see an example of it all being put together.

    This "snazy" component of the theme makes xmlui have the embedded PDF modal, and if your content is video, you get a video player. If your content is a series of images (scanned book perhaps), then you get the bookreader presentation.

    I've got some other videos of DSpace development projects we've been working on:


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