Saturday, January 16, 2010 -- The best thing to happen to those who like music

A Software Developer friend of mine prophesized about a time in the future when music is so easy to access, that music piracy is actually less convenient. Spot on! Because I'd like to officially plug MOG.COM as the best music website.

Whats so great about this music website? I already have a way of "how I get my music".
Well, here's my favorite features.

  • Play any Artist, Album, Song, and have it stream instantly, or fill a queue to play
  • Make a playlist just by adding any song you want to it, you can then share that playlist.
  • Artist Playlists! Artists from David Byrne to Elvis Costello, make monthly playlists which are a mashup of awesome, and you just click it, and its in your play queue.
  • You can "follow" others who have good musical taste, and what they like will show up in your feed. Its like your brother-in-law who you only catch up with twice a year to get music ideas, being able to add music to your check-this-out list as they like it.
  • Its only $5 / month. Less if you do it 6 months at a time. Thats like half an album on iTunes. So you'll probably die trying to build a music empire on iTunes, while I've already listened to all music ever. Or you'll have issues like having to run out of space or the time it takes to sync your device. Or, you could just connect your mobile device to their web service and have music on the go. * Mobile Apps come out in Spring, ** Internet is not so good in tunnels

I'm sure it will continue to get better, and plus it doesn't have crappy ads all over the place.

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