Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Converting real stream to local file

aka converting real .ram .rm to .mp3 or .avi

I found a cool tool online that should be good enough to do the conversion. Real7ime Converter.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Yahoo Fees: A new service for domain owners

Uhh, even though Yahoo! formally declined the Microsoft offer, I have reason to believe Microsoft pirates have managed to invade the ranks of Yahoo! management, and do one of those classic Microsoft-in-the-90's maneuvers.

Yeah, I'm totally going to someone who doesn't skim an extra $3 for no reason. No offense, I tip my waitress, but this, its just a record in a c-table or something like that.

[[UPDATE]] After reading the fine-print of Yahoo!'s offer, they amazingly one-upped themselves. How clever, you can steer your herd by cleverly referring to competitors as junk.