Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ohio State webmail vs Gmail: Make the Switch

Official Who uses Ohio State's webmail? Gmail is the way to go.

Ohio State (OSU)'s webmail system is... I don't know, I don't use it anymore. I use gmail.

Notice how the last message to pass through webmail is from August of 2005, almost a year and half ago from this post.

Ever since I made the switch (and changed my email address from non-gmail) email has been all that much better. I would encourage Ohio State, and every other institution, group, company that provides its own in-house email to make the switch also. Unless your IT staff has its own email system which competes against the likes of Gmail, ie email integration with database servers and desktop integration that is unobtrusive while keeping employees from wasting hours working out technical issues, I would recommend Gmail for everyone.

If you are an OSU student using OSU's webmail, here's how to make the switch too.
1) Get gmail! http://www.gmail.com
2) Have osu forward your webmail to your new you@gmail.com. oit.osu.edu -> account management -> osu.edu email -> Change delivery -> forward email to your new you@gmail.com
3) [OPTIONAL] Create a label and filter in gmail which allow you to see which emails were destined for which inboxes.
4) [OPTIONAL] Add Send mail as to gmail, through Settings -> Account -> Send Mail As

The inbox count shows that there are many many emails that I'll never read, and never have to read. I could list all the great features, but you could just watch a video of google engineers showing off the latest features.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Driftnet: Your guide to network spydom

I was browsing freshmeat ( a repository for software projects) and noticed an interesting project that allows you, the network administrator, to look at the network request streams that match as image files. This allows you to see what images are also being looked at over the network. I think this is pretty crafty, and the interface looks pretty neat, but I see this almost as a keylogger.

I've seen White Ninja, the one with Chris Farley, which tells me that you're not going to know someones full story by wearing a blindfold as you drive around the city, wait no, it's gotta be your blindfold.
